The path is long but it gets much easier if we build it together. Art mus join it self to the industry. Economic and cultural agents are stronger when working together. Marfilpe is pleased to be part of the exhibition “First Stone” through the piece ‘Deconstructing the cube’ by Amanda Levete. On display at the Coches Museum until the 25th of September, in Lisbon.
Author: Ana Miguel
Deconstructing the cube
Marfilpe Institutional video 2022
We are a company in constant evolution and adaptation to the demands imposed on us. At Marfilpe we continue to work for a sustainable future made, like our works, in stone!
Marfilpe’s Moleanos at Russia
We use to say that great works are made with Stone. This one was developed with Marfilpe’s Moleanos.

Happy Holidays from Marfilpe
The one whoe creates, sees beyond the present. Sow, to reap ahead. Raises it, in order to contemplate.
At Marfilpe we walk this path together. May we never get tired of dreaming, designing and materialize!
Happy Holidays to everyone.
Marfilpe: Institutional Video
know more about Marfilpe, because the passion for the stones is what drives us.
Republic Avenue
Marfilpe: Cotec 2021 innovator
We start de month of September with good news!
Cotec Portugal – the main Portuguese business association for the promotion of innovation and business technological cooperation – distinguished Marfilpe as an Innovative company, giving it the status of Cotec 2021 Innovator.

Marble Pebble: Ideal for several applications
Did you know that marble pebble has multiple decorative applications and it is, at the same time, an ecological way to avoid material waste?
Orders at
San Felipe Place
A Marfilpe Project in San Felipe, California.